
Vision Boards

In sdv on the world on September 3, 2010 at 2:34 pm

Have you ever considered making a vision board and if so what was the out come for you? I’ve had my board for a few years now when I first put it together I really put some time and thought into the things I wanted. At that time the main thing I was concerned about was where I was going and what I truly wanted to do with my life. Looking back now I don’t believe I answered every question but I figured out a general direction. I wanted to finally graduate from college and go into graduate school, then that changed to my wanting to work for myself. So here I am today working towards graduation and looking into how to go about starting my business. My first step towards being an entrepreneur was this site so I guess that’s some progress right?

What’s on your vision board? Have you made one and what do you what for your life?


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